Take a look at eMan Innovations
– a Czech technology venture capital fund that focuses on domestic and international technology projects with global potential.

About us

eMan Innovations Focus

eMan Innovations focuses its investments on companies and projects in the field of information technology, as well as in businesses that will undergo strong technological transformation and innovation in the coming years. This allows us to create a relatively broad portfolio while applying eMan’s extensive technological know-how.

What the eMan Innovations Fund offers

We invest in companies and projects that come up with new ideas in information technology, as well as in areas that will inevitably undergo technological transition and innovation in the future. Thanks to this focus, we are able to create and support a very diverse mix of activities, and connect them with eMan’s technological experience and know-how. Though we are interested in smart and novel ideas, above all, we care about the people behind them and their human and entrepreneurial stories. As Czechs, we have mainly Czech and Slovak companies in our sights – we wish to develop the potential of our region, that clever and skilled people stay with us and invest their profits back into development. Among other things, we help “our” projects prepare for future stock market entry. We truly live with these companies and their ideas – we follow them closely and support them at every stage of the project. We strive to connect the individual companies under our umbrella, to find ways they can be mutually beneficial, to complement each other, and to come up with ideas they might not be able to implement on their own.


“We do what we like to do. With those we like.”

Why eman innovations


Technology propels today’s world. Digitalization, the cloud, big data, machine learning, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, cybersecurity. We encounter these concepts every day, areas that will grow in importance every day, month, and year – but not only as concepts. On the contrary, the world of technology is penetrating, and will continue to penetrate, a long line of other – say, traditional – fields. After all, this is why we are building a diverse portfolio of companies in our investment fund, whose ideas and activities we will support and develop, but also interconnect: construction, lighting, security, manufacturing support, education, and health care. The potential of modern technology is enormous.


With the merger of the technology company eMan and the financial management company IPR CARE, a fund with unique know-how was created. The combination of the founders’ large-scale expertise sets us apart from other technology private equity funds.


Individual companies in the eMan Innovations fund are subject to audit. The ongoing value of the portfolio is determined on an annual basis, based on independent expert valuations. The fund either participates directly in project management or monitors them through supervisory authorities.


Our founders are among the leaders in their fields. Since 2010, eMan has implemented custom technology projects in the Czech Republic and abroad in the hundreds of millions of CZK. IPR CARE has extensive experience in business, finance and wealth management.


The fund’s portfolio focuses on unique projects with high added value and global growth potential. Investments are made through private equity, and you can invest in them through our fund.


About eMan

eMan is a leading Czech software supplier specializing in mobile and web application development and related services such as UI/UX design, support and service, outsourcing of IT specialists and consulting. Focusing primarily on clients from the automotive, energy, banking, insurance, industry and services industries, eMan has offices in the Czech Republic and the United States. The quality of their solutions has been confirmed by dozens of awards. Since 2020, the company’s shares have been freely traded on the PX Start market on the Prague Stock Exchange’s RM-System stock exchange.

eMan on the Prague Stock Exchange – eMan web page.


The investment company IPR Care understands business. They provide their clients with comprehensive financial services – from professional advice on mergers or acquisitions, through solutions for IPOs and bond issues, to supporting companies in their growth. Both large companies and affluent individuals rely on IPR Care’s wealth management.



The management of the eMan Innovations fund includes an investment committee which, together with the fund’s statutory director, assesses potential investment projects. Invested companies must carry out an audit after the investment, regularly report their economic results to the fund, and consult with it on their future development. The fund holds a place in the management or supervisory bodies of the invested companies.

Radek Opočenský

CEO and founder of IPR Care a.s. With experience in strategic business at the local and international levels, Radek has been active in financial markets for more than 20 years. He is in charge of business development and acquisitions at eMan Innovations, and chairman of the Investment Committee.

Michal Košek

CEO, co-founder and member of eMan's Board of Directors. With 15 years of experience in IT and digital products, Michal has headed eMan since 2022. He is an executive member of eMan Innovations' Board of Directors and a member of the Investment Committee.

Jiří Horyna

Chairman of the Board of Directors and co-founder of eMan, Jiří has more than 20 years of experience in IT, media and insurance. At eMan Innovations, he is a member of the Investment Committee and is responsible for strategy and business development.


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